May 31, 2011

Baby Spider Monkey!

Her name is Estela, and she lives at the Melbourne Zoo in Australia. (And she's fuzzy!)
Photo by Trent Brownings, via ZooBorns.


Someone's been in the trash. And it's probably a dog. But which one?

May 28, 2011

May 26, 2011

Snow Drama!

This is the most dramatic video we've ever posted. It's about a little girl, a sled ride, and her new camera. Now hang on for the ride of your life!

Lucy the Corgi and Wayne the Duck!

Lucy: I have a bone.
Wayne: Share!!

Can't a kitten dream?

"Any requests?"

We here at Cute! don't usually like pictures of animals dressed in outfits.
Today, we make an exception.

May 23, 2011

Red Alert!

Barack Obama is in Ireland. And it looks like the President of the United States has been enchanted by a ginger leprechaun!
Photo from NPR.

Wait— NOT the puppies in onesies!

Too late.

"But I don't WANT a bath!"

This dog must be part cat!

Your Morning Cup of Cuteness!

This bunny has a story to tell. It was discovered by a Labrador named Koa (below). After the dog scared away the mother bunny, its owner adopted two of the baby bunnies. 

The baby bunnies get along great with the dog (obviously!). The plan is to release them back into nature when they’re a little older.

Photos and story from the Telegraph.

"This pillow is hard...but delicious!"

May 22, 2011

"Photobomb" defined!

Verb. "To drop into a photo unexpectedly by hopping into the picture right before it is taken."
Photo by Christina Smith.

May 19, 2011

May 18, 2011

"You can't see me!"

Photo of Max by Tim Gray.

Gouda the Harbor Seal pup!

Gouda is being taken care of over at the Alaska SeaLife Center.

But how the workers there get anything done is hard to understand. I'd just want to look at Gouda!

Here's a short video of her.

Link from ZooBorns.

May 17, 2011

Two pigs on a blanket?

Okay, fine. One's not a pig! 

And the blanket sort of looks like a rug. :)

Photo by dumpringtruck.

Selfish Chihuahua!

This little guy named Tommy REALLY doesn't want to share his bone . . . not even with a stuffed animal!

(Note to Tommy's owners: He doesn't like wearing that green vest.)

"Hey Mom, get ready— here it comes!"

"Yay! Now put the ball down and change my diaper."

May 16, 2011

Hey, what a cute little...

...wait, what kind of animal IS this? :)

Now THAT'S a talented balloon-man!

This girl asked the balloon-wrangler for some inflatable weaponry.

And she got a parachute, headset, and even a machine gun. (Machine guns are only cute when they're balloons!)

From here.

Japanese Dog Commercials!

"So cute!"
I've been watching Japanese ads for Doggy-Man treats that are pretty cute.

There's also funny moments in them where a human reacts to what a dog is doing.

Like this woman who sees Dalmatians at her bus stop!

"What the what?!"

And then there's this jogger guy who sees a poodle skipping rope!

May 13, 2011

Puppy Overload!

Now THAT'S a lot of Dalmatian puppies!
Photo by Erl Nilsen.



It looks like my blog postings from yesterday are gone.

Rats. Are they in the dryer?

May 12, 2011

Underwater Oinkers?

Did you know that pigs in the Bahamas hang out at the beach and like to swim? No? Then check out these photos from the Telegraph!

"So cozy!"

"Can you breathe?"
"Yeah. Just barely."

May 10, 2011

"Hello!" "Hello!" "Hello!"

All together: "HELLO!"
Photo by Tokoro.

Baby Hippo!

Photo by Andreas Lem.

Robot Newborns? (or "Pneuborns!)

Yes, he's helping the
robot baby to walk!
When I started this blog, I didn't ever think I'd be showing baby robots on it.

Oh well!

In Japan, a group of scientists have been working on small robots that use "pneumatics" (compressed air) to move around.

"Take me to your mommy."
So they're calling the robots Pneuborns! You can read more here.

Seal Homecoming!

This Northern Fur Seal was found starving and rescued in British Columbia. A group called the  Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre on Salt Spring Island got the seal back to health. And here, it's released back to the sea . . . and the seal seems pretty happy about it! 

Maybe some day he'll come back to visit!

May 9, 2011

Bulldog Bunny

I'm not usually a big fan of dressing up animals. But for THIS, I make an exception!
Photo by E.T. magic.